Herdly 1.5 Released
Herdly 1.5 was released today, bringing a significant and often asked for feature—support for more RFID readers. Previous to this version Herdly worked well with a prototype reader created by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association that isn’t yet commercially available. This version extends support to many readers available on the market, making it very easy to […]
Herdly 1.3 Released
We’ve just released Herdly 1.3 which brings a really nice feature to the Dashboard. When you tap a graph it will be shown in full screen mode and you can swipe left or right to immediately go to the next graph. Tap the grid button in the upper left of the window to get an […]
Herdly 1.2 Released
We are excited to be releasing this version of Herdly because it rounds out the foundation we’ve been working on for the last two and a half years. The big new feature is the Dashboard which is available on both computers and mobile devices. With over 100 items available to report on, the dashboard shows you an overview […]
Herdly 1.1 Released
Herdly now supports recording exposures and matings for cows. Printing from the Animal List window and a brand new Gestation Calculator window have been added to this version. You can also set the main picture of an animal. There are actually quite a few other changes as well. Please see the release notes for a […]
Herdly 1.0.3 Released
Full desktop level filtering capabilities are now available in the mobile version of Herdly. We’re excited about this and other features that have come in this version. Please see the release notes for a full list of changes. To learn about upgrading, please see Upgrading.
Herdly 1.0.2 Released
We just released a new version of Herdly, bringing the ability to edit notes, movements, preg check events, diagnosis events, treatment events, drug events, and attribute history values on the phone, all from within the Animal History screen. Please see the release notes for a full list of changes. To learn about upgrading, please see […]