Herdly 1.2 Released

We are excited to be releasing this version of Herdly because it rounds out the foundation we’ve been working on for the last two and a half years. The big new feature is the Dashboard which is available on both computers and mobile devices. With over 100 items available to report on, the dashboard shows you an overview of the current state of your ranch and reports your ranch’s trend over time in valuable key metrics. Here is what it looks like on the phone:

We think it looks great! The dashboards are updated live as data changes and you can customize which items are shown. Now you have a way to visualize information you have been entering into Herdly and we hope you like it as much as we do.

This version has other changes in it as well, including a gestation calculator on mobile devices, the ability to export all of your data from Herdly (so you aren’t ever locked in), and easier date entry on mobile devices, especially when entering dates far away from the current date. Please see the release notes for a full list of changes and links to documentation further explaining the new features. To learn about upgrading, please see Upgrading.

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