Herdly 2.2 Release Notes


The service we've used to keep Herdly's drug list up to date is no longer available to us, so we have decided to crowd-source this list. Beginning with this version we are encouraging you to let us know if a drug you use is not on the list or if it has incorrect withdrawal times associated with it. To effect this, the following changes have been made:

  • In the Drugs list area of the Ranch Settings window on a computer, a new column has been added which shows you the withdrawal times Herdly is currently using for each drug and for the various administration routes. With this information, you can see if any errors are present in the list.
  • Above this list is an explanation that this information is now crowd-sourced.
  • Also above the list is a new button which can be used to submit corrections. It opens a window which explains what information you will need to submit to us for any corrections or additions to be made.

We are excited for this change as it opens the possibility for adding drugs in countries other than Canada and United States, something not previously possible!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug when adding a picture in New Yearling screen on iOS devices.