Herdly 2.0 Release Notes

New Features

  • In Herdly 1.9 we introduced the Bulk Edit Animals action which made it easy to change the value of 21 fields for multiple animals at the same time. In Herdly 2.0 we have expanded that list by adding another 53 fields! That's too many to list here, but you can see the list of all 74 fields in our Bulk Edit Animals Action documentation. This makes it easier than ever to fix mistakes or update common information for lots of animals very quickly.
  • Several of you have requested that we add more colors in Herdly, so we've done just that. There are 10 new animal colors to choose from in this version. Make sure you use the Ranch Settings window to add any of the new colors you want available for your ranch.
  • We've fleshed out the Utility button options in the Animals list on Mac and Windows by adding the ability to ask Herdly to recalculate various things for selected animals. Herdly keeps this information up to date automatically, but it can be handy to have the ability to force update the information when there is a bug we haven't fixed. Please let us know if you end up having to use these utilities!
  • The default gender in the New Calf action used to be "Female". In this version we've changed that so the default is no gender at all. This will help ensure that when a calf has a gender you know it is because someone actually checked and recorded it.


  • For Canadian ranchers, CCIA has recently stopped using the Temporary Export event so we have removed it from Herdly.

Bug Fixes

  • Herdly 1.9.2 fixed a sync bug which could make it impossible to log into Herdly on Mac or Windows. Unfortunately, anyone who had encountered this problem before they upgraded to Herdly 1.9.2 still had the problem and needed to manually do a full sync to fix it. Herdly 2.0 automatically detects this situation and fixes it without user intervention.
  • Several search fields were not receiving the focus when a window opened. This is fixed.