
Watch this video or read the text below to learn about products.

Please note that while you can create products now, Herdly does not currently have a place for you to use these products. This will be in a forthcoming feature.

Herdly will eventually make it possible for you to track products used or consumed by individual animals. Part of that solution is creating a list of products that you give your animals here. This can be done on a computer or mobile device. On a computer, go to Setup > Products to open the Products window.

Your current list of products will appear in the list on the left side of the window. To add a new product, click the + button and then enter the product information in the fields to the right.

  • Label. Enter the name of the product here. You should make sure it is unique so you don't get it mixed up with other products.
  • Category. By categorizing your products, expenditures can be broken down by category in reports.
  • Distribution Units. The distribution and billing units for most products will be the same (often just units). However, some items may be distributed differently than you purchase or bill for. A good example is straw which is usually distributed as so many bales but purchased or billed based on weight (ex. tons).
  • Billing Units. Often the same as distribution units, but may be different as explained above.
  • Equivalency. When the distribution and billing units are the same, the equivalency should always be 1 since one distribution unit equals one billing unit. For other products, use this to express how many distributions units are equal to one billing unit. Continuing the straw example, if 2.1 bales were equal to 1 ton, you would enter 2.1 in this field. This frees you to enter products in the way you give them to animals, letting Herdly work out the dollar amounts that should be associated with them.
  • Billing Unit Price. Use this field to enter the current price for each billing unit so Herdly can work out the proper dollar amount for products given to animals.
  • Note. You can use this field to make any kind of note about the product for your own information.
  • Archived. If you no longer want a product to appear in lists, you can archive it by checking this field. Once a product has been referred to in Herdly, it cannot be deleted, but archiving it will keep it from appearing in any lists. It will still be shown when viewing historical information.

When Herdly calculates dollar amounts for product given to animals, it always uses the current equivalency and pricing at the moment it does the calculating, so remember to update this information as it changes throughout the year.

To modify an existing product, select it in the list and then make your changes in the fields to the right. If you change the name of a product here, any place it was referred to in Herdly will be updated to the new name. Changes to equivalency and pricing, however, will only be used for subsequent calculations using these fields. Your changes will be saved each time you select a different product as well as when you close the window.

If a product was accidentally entered and has not yet been used anywhere in Herdly, you can delete it by selecting it and clicking the - button.

If you have a lot of products, you can use the search field at the top to find a product quickly. You can also use the Archived checkbox to indicate whether you want to include archived products in the list.

To work with products on a mobile device go to Ranch > Products.

This screen will show your list of products. At the top is a switch where you toggle whether archived products are included in the list. To create a new product, tap the + button at the top of the screen and then fill in the fields and tap Save. To edit an existing location, tap it and then make your changes, tapping Save when you are done.

If you have tapped a product, you can use the Archive Product button to change the archival status. Or you can use the Delete Product button to delete the product if it hasn't been used.