Exporting Data

Watch this video or read the text below to learn how to export data from Herdly.

You can export data from the Animal List window on the computer, either from the main list or from a child list. When exporting from a list, Herdly will export the data just like you see it in the list—each column in the order you see them and each row in their order. This means that you should set up the view and filter for the list before exporting.

To export data, click the Export button for the list you want to export. This will open the Export window.

In the top portion of the window, choose what type of data to export:

  • Copy to Clipboard. The data is copied into the system clipboard in tab delimited format. It can then be pasted into another application such as a spreadsheet. This is the fastest way to get Herdly data into a spreadsheet since you don't have to actually create a file.
  • CSV (Comma Separated Value) File. The data is saved to a file in the popular CSV format which is useful for importing into other applications such as spreadsheets.
  • Tab Delimited File. This is another popular file format useful for importing into spreadsheets.
  • XML File. This file format can be useful for applications that request it.
  • JSON File. This file format is also useful for applications that request it.

In the bottom portion of the window, choose which records to export:

  • Selected Records. If you have selected certain records in the list, choose this option. Only those records will be exported.
  • Displayed Records. If you want all the records currently displayed in the list to be exported, select this option.

When you are ready, click the Export button. If you chose an option besides Copy to Clipboard, you'll be asked to name the file and where you want to save it. Then the data is exported.

Herdly exports data just like you see it in the list for most columns. Date columns will be exported in the YYYY-MM-DD format so that spreadsheets can recognize the date easier. When importing or pasting into a spreadsheet, you may need to play with the formatting of each column to make it look the way you want. For example, many spreadsheets will try to recognize RFID numbers as actual numbers and show something like 1.24E+14 unless you have it format the column as text.